You are here: Appendix C - Summary of Menu Options > File Menu

File Menu

The File menu enables you to add images and tiles to the Job List and work with GeoExpress project (.prj) files. A project file is a collection of jobs and global settings.

Menu Item Shortcut Function
Add image(s)...


Enables you to add input files to theJob list.

The supported image formats are TIFF/GeoTIFF, .mos (raster mosaic), .list (LiDAR mosaic), raw (BIP/BIL/BSQ), Windows BMP, CADRG, DTED, Erdas Imagine, JPEG/JFIF, JPEG 2000, LAN, LiDAR, MrSID, NITF, PCIDSK (PIX), PNG, Sun Raster, USGS DOQ, ECW, LAS, LAZ, and BPF. File types are determined by file extensions, and if a file with an unrecognized file extension is selected, you will be asked to identify the file type via the “Identify File Type” dialog.

Create new mosaic of images...   Adds an empty Mosaic job to the Job list. You must specify the file type of the source images that will be used in the mosaic. (For supported file formats in GeoExpress see Supported Input Formats.) User can also select a multi-resolution mosaic option and whether the output mosaic is a flat file or composite MrSID mosaic (MrSID format input files only).
Add color composite image to encode...   Enables you to add an image job consisting of separate source files that represent the red, green, and blue bands of a single image. A dialog box is presented with options for adding each band, and at least one band must be supplied. All of the bands must be single banded images of the same file type and have the same dimensions and resolution.
New project Ctrl+N Clears the current project and gives you a new empty project to populate.
Open project... Ctrl+O

Enables you to open a previously saved GeoExpress project file from disk. Note: GeoExpress v9.5.3 uses a new format for the project file and cannot open files saved by earlier versions.

Save project Ctrl+S Saves the current project file to the existing project file on disk.
Save project as... Ctrl+Shift+S

Saves the current project file to a new file, which is specified by the user via a standard Save File dialog box.

The application saves project files in the GeoExpress .prj format.

Print session log Ctrl+P Prints out the log of all encode jobs run since the application was opened. This is the same information displayed in the Encode Results window on the Output tab of the Job Properties panel.
Recent projects   Keeps a list of the last four project files to be accessed, so they can be quickly loaded without having to go through an Open File dialog.
Recent files   Keeps a list of the last four non-project files to be added to the project, so they can be easily added to the Job list.
Exit Alt+F4 Enables you to save your current project and/or cancel the current encode operation before it shuts the application down.