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Mosaics with GeoTIFF Images

If you create a mosaic that contains GeoTIFF images, you can select the georeferencing information that you want to use. A GeoTIFF image can store georeferencing information in a TIFF world file and in embedded metadata. If the GeoTIFF image has georeferencing information stored both in a world file and in its metadata, GeoExpress uses the embedded metadata by default. To use the georeferencing information in the world files, select the Allow World Files to Override Native Georeferencing preference. For more information on setting preferences, see Preferences.

If you encode a GeoTIFF image using georeferencing information from a TIFF world file, other spatial referencing information such as the coordinate reference system (CRS) found in the GeoTIFF metadata tags is saved in the MrSID metadata. In a mosaic composed of both TIFF and GeoTIFF images, GeoExpress saves metadata in the mosaic if the first input tile is a GeoTIFF image with metadata.