You are here: Mosaics > Multiresolution Mosaics

Multiresolution Mosaics

A multiresolution mosaic is a raster mosaic made up of input images with different resolutions. When you create a multiresolution mosaic in any format, the resulting mosaic is a single image, in other words, it is a flat mosaic. The exception to this is the MrSID Generation 4 (MG4) format. You can create an MG4 composite mosaic out of multiresolution images if all of the input tiles are also in the MG4 format.

To add images with multiple resolutions to a mosaic, select the Enable multiresolution mosaicking option when you create the mosaic. To select this option after you create a mosaic, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a mosaic in the Job List.
  2. Click Advanced in the Properties tab.

    The Advanced Job Options dialog box appears.

  3. In the Output tab, select Enable multiresolution mosaicking.