You are here: Job Options > Raster Job Options > Destination Options > Selecting an Express Server

Selecting an Express Server

GeoExpress 9.5 supports Express Server version 6.0 and later. You can save images in the following output formats to an Express Server:

If you select Publish to Express Server on the Job Options dialog, you must still specify a file path on the Destination tab. GeoExpress uses the directory that you specify as a temporary directory where it saves the output file before publishing to Express Server.

When you select Express Server as the output destination, the Express Server Browser opens.

  1. In the Express Server Browser, enter the URL of the Express Server to which you want to save files. Alternatively, click the drop-down box to view the list of Express Servers to which you have recently connected.

    For example, you might enter the following URL:

  2. Click Connect.

    NOTE: The server is queried for a list of catalogs on the server. Catalogs that have a spatial index appear with the world map icon and the EPSG code of the spatial index. If there are no catalogs on the Express Server, contact the server administrator.

  3. If the Express Server requires authentication, a dialog box prompts you for a user name and password. Enter the user name and password that you want to use and click OK.
  4. Select the catalog to which you want to save your files.

    NOTE: The output images that you create must use the same spatial reference system as the target catalog.

  5. Optionally, select the Replace existing files check box to overwrite files in the catalog that have the same name.

    If files with the same name exist and the check box is not selected, the upload fails and reports that the file exists.

  6. Click OK.