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Using World Files

Once you have added imagery to the Job list, you should check its extents on the Properties tab to make sure it has the proper positioning. If it does not, check for the presence of world files in the source directory. If there are world files, you can instruct GeoExpress to use them.

To specify that world files should be used:

  1. Select an image in the Job List and click the Advanced button on the Properties tab.

    The Advanced Job Options dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Input tab.
  3. Select the Use World Files check box.
  4. Click OK.

Use of world files removes the CRS or other georeferencing information from the image.

TIP:If no world file exists or if using world files does not result in correct positioning, you can change the image extents by editing the image metadata. For more information see Editing Raster Metadata.