To specify the output resolution of the reprojected image, select the Set output resolution check box and enter the x and y values in the edit fields. If the check box is left unselected, GeoExpress calculates the output resolution when it performs the reprojection.
This parameter has been made configurable in the event that experienced users require adjustments. However, adjusting the output resolution can have far-reaching effects and it is recommended that you allow GeoExpress to calculate it for you.
If you set the resolution manually and notice that the image is offset, select the Align pixels with output resolution check box. This option aligns the output image to an integer multiple of the output resolution.
The error fraction is a value from 0.0 to 1.0 that indicates the level of accuracy of the reprojection. A value of 0.0 is the highest level of accuracy—essentially a "lossless" reprojection. An error fraction of 0.125 means that each reprojected pixel could be off by an eighth of a pixel, while a value of 0.25 indicates a quarter-pixel inaccuracy.
Block values tell the encoder to reproject the pixels in blocks of dimensions the user may specify. (Note: These blocks are different from both the MG2 and the MG3/MG4 encoding blocks.) Using block values improves disk access and memory usage and can improve performance. Smaller block values use less memory but may be slower. Block values do not affect the output image.
By default the block value is 2048.
The Resample Method drop-down list shows the available resampling methods for the reprojection operation. Nearest Neighbor is the fastest method, while Bicubic gives more accurate results. Bilinear is a compromise—faster than Bicubic and more accurate than Nearest Neighbor.