NOTE: The process of rendering previews for very large images or mosaics can be time consuming, especially when reprojecting mosaicked images in different resolutions and coordinate systems. Previewing does not decrement the data cartridge.
A user has a set of 500 images in TIFF format with TIFF world files and wants to put each single image into a new coordinate system and encode to MrSID at the same time. The user adds the images into the Job list. GeoExpress knows where they are located (due to the world files) but knows nothing about the coordinate reference system (CRS). The user assigns a coordinate system to the source images to be used as a source CRS. The user can select multiple files and apply the CRS once to all of the source data. Then the user selects the destination CRS that will apply to all images in the current selection. The user specifies other compression parameters independent of the reprojection option, then encodes the images normally.
Same as “Reprojection of Single TIFF Images” above, except that the user has MrSID Generation 2 images with sdw files.
Same as “Reprojection of Single TIFF Images” above, except that the user has MrSID files with embedded GeoTIFF tags. GeoExpress automatically reads those GeoTIFF tags to determine the source coordinate system.
Same as “Reprojection of Single TIFF Images” above, except that the user has GeoTIFF files. GeoExpress automatically reads the CRS and assigns it as a source CRS.
The user is a provider who has many GeoTIFF images in the same CRS (UTM). The user wants to mosaic these together and reproject them to the State Plane system. In this instance GeoExpress reads the CRS from the images and mosaic prior to reprojection to ensure a seamless mosaic.
A city government has received images in UTM from the NAIP program, has existing imagery in state plane coordinate system and has purchased satellite imagery in lat-long. The imagery from NAIP is a one-foot-pixel, the city’s imagery is a half-foot pixel and the satellite imagery is a five-meter pixel. The NAIP imagery is in MrSID format, the city’s data is in GeoTIFF and the satellite imagery is in TIFF with TIFF world files. This user can create a single MrSID mosaic in State Plane coordinates from all three sources of imagery in one single encode operation.