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Properties Tab

The Properties tab displays information about the selected job. The contents of the panels on the Properties tab depend on whether the selected job is a raster job or a LiDAR job. The contents also change if you select multiple jobs, if you select a mosaic, and more.

The Output Panel

Use the Output panel to specify an output file format, destination, and compression ratio. Click Job Options to display additional options. You can set options for multiple selected jobs, in which case options that do not apply to the entire selection are not available. For raster jobs, the panel also displays the output file size and estimated memory usage.

NOTE: For raster jobs, the estimated memory usage only displays when you select MG2, MG3, and MG4 as the Format. For more information on how the memory usage is calculated, see Calculating Memory Usage.

If the input file is in MrSID raster or JPEG 2000 format, the option No additional compression appears and is enabled by default. If you retain the same format for the output file, certain operations can be performed without re-encoding the image. These are:

NOTE: By default, the output format will be the same as the input format for MrSID and JPEG 2000 files, so the above optimizations will be available automatically. To change the default output format behavior, see Default Output File Format.

The Image Properties Panel

The Image Properties panel, or the Mosaic Properties panel if you select a mosaic, displays information about the input file or files selected in the job list. If you select multiple files, the panel displays the information that the files have in common.

The Image Properties panel displays the following information for raster files:

The Image Properties panel displays the following information for LiDAR files:

The Mosaic Properties panel displays the following information for raster files:

For LiDAR files, the Mosaic Properties panel displays the same information as the Image Properties panel above except for all the files in the mosaic. To view information about a single file in the mosaic, select the file in the job list to display the Tile Properties panel.

The Extents Panels

For raster images, the Extents panel indicates where the image resides in geographic space and the pixel resolution of the image.

For raster mosaics, the Extents panel includes mosaic extents and tile extents. Mosaic extents indicate the boundaries and resolution of the entire selected mosaic, while tile extents indicate the extents of a single mosaic tile.